내 인생 채권자 폴 뱅크스 때문에 관심을 가지게 되어서 읽게 된 소설. 커트 보네거트 소설은 뭐 이전에 Long Walk to Forever 말고는 읽어본 적 없기에 요게 처음 읽는 장편 소설이었다. 아는 분이 번역과 취향을 탄다고 그러셔서 얼마나 그러려나 했는데 아 몇 장 넘기면서 알았다. 이거 진짜 취향 타겠다고... 그래도 내 취향엔 맞았으니 다행.
살벌한 제목과는 달리 소설이 그렇게 어둡지 않다. SF적인 상상력도 섞여있고 아무래도 현실을 풍자하는 블랙유머 섞인 진행 탓에 어둡지 않고 오히려 피식 피식 웃게 되는 장면(롤런드 위어리가 죽어가며 남긴, 내 원수는 '빌리 필그램'을 보라!)도 있었다. 그렇다고 해서 내용이 가벼운 것은 아니고 정말 반전에 대한 사상, 그런 무거운 주제를 이런 식으로도 표현할 수 있구나 싶었던 그런 소설이었다.
짧은 문단으로 계속해서 이어지는 소설은 기존의 서술방식을 따르지 않고, 과거와 현재 또는 시공간을 넘나들며 진행된다. 전쟁에 참가하여 참혹한 드레드덴 폭격을 목격하게 된 빌리 필그램의 일화는 가볍게 진행되지만 읽다 보면 그 무게가 결코 가볍지 않다. 수없이 반복되는 '그렇게 가는거지' 라는 말은 모든것을 받아들이는 것 같은 느낌을 주면서도 이상하게도, 그 모든 것들 안에서 안정을 찾게 만든다. 그건 세상의 섭리라 받아들여야하지만 그 안에서 더 나은 것을 만들어가야하는 느낌을 주었다. 우주인들처럼 우리는 법칙을 이길 수 없지만 그러나 그 안에서 더 나은 것을 만들어 나가야하는 느낌. 그렇게 가는거지.
They had grown up next door to each other, on the fringe of a city, near fields and woods and orchards, within sight of a lovely bell tower that belonged to a school for the blind. Now they were 20, had not seen each other for nearly a year. There had always been playful, comfortable warmth between them, but never any talk of love. His name was Newt. Her name was Catharine. In the early afternoon, Newt knocked on Catharine’s front door. Catharine came to the door. She was carrying a fat, glossy magazine she had been reading. The magazine was devoted entirely to brides. “Newt!” she said. She was surprised to see him. “Could you come for a walk?” he said. He was a shy person, even with Catharine. He covered his shyness by speaking absently, as though what really concerned him were far away—as though he were a secret agent pausing briefly on a mission between beautiful, distant, and sinister points. This manner of speaking had always been Newt’s style, even in matters that concerned him desperately. “A walk?” said Catharine. “One foot in front of the other,” said Newt, “through leaves, over bridges—” “I had no idea you were in town,” she said. “Just this minute got in,” he said. “Still in the Army, I see,” she said. “Seven more months to go,” he said. He was a private first class in the Artillery. His uniform was rumpled. His shoes were dusty. He needed a shave. He held out his hand for the magazine. “Let’s see the pretty book,” he said. She gave it to him. “I’m getting married, Newt,” she said. “I know,” he said. “Let’s go for a walk.” “I’m awfully busy, Newt,” she said. “The wedding is only a week away.” “If we go for a walk,” he said, “it will make you rosy. It will make you a rosy bride.” He turned the pages of the magazine. “A rosy bride like her—like her—like her,” he said, showing her rosy brides. Catharine turned rosy, thinking about rosy brides. “That will be my present to Henry Stewart Chasens,” said Newt. “By taking you for a walk, I’ll be giving him a rosy bride.” “You know his name?” said Catharine. “Mother wrote,” he said. “From Pittsburgh?” “Yes,” she said. “You’d like him.” “Maybe,” he said. “Can—can you come to the wedding, Newt?” she said. “That I doubt,” he said. “Your furlough isn’t for long enough?” she said. “Furlough?” said Newt. He was studying a two-page ad for flat silver. “I’m not on furlough,” he said. “Oh?” she said. “I’m what they call A.W.O.L.,” said Newt. “Oh, Newt! You’re not!” she said. “Sure I am,” he said, still looking at the magazine. “Why, Newt?” she said. “I had to find out what your silver pattern is,” he said. He read names of silver patterns from the magazine. “Albermarle? Heather?” he said. “Legend? Rambler Rose?” He looked up, smiled. “I plan to give you and your husband a spoon,” he said. “Newt, Newt—tell me really,” she said. “I want to go for a walk,” he said. She wrung her hands in sisterly anguish. “Oh, Newt—you’re fooling me about being A.W.O.L.,” she said. Newt imitated a police siren softly, raised his eyebrows. “Where—where from?” she said. “Fort Bragg,” he said. “North Carolina?” she said. “That’s right,” he said. “Near Fayetteville—where Scarlet O’Hara went to school.” “How did you get here, Newt?” she said. He raised his thumb, jerked it in a hitchhike gesture. “Two days,” he said. “Does your mother know?” she said. “I didn’t come to see my mother,” he told her. “Who did you come to see?” she said. “You,” he said. “Why me?” she said. “Because I love you,” he said. “Now can we take a walk?” he said. “One foot in front of the other—through leaves, over bridges—”
They were taking the walk now, were in a woods with a brown-leaf floor. Catharine was angry and rattled, close to tears. “Newt,” she said, “this is absolutely crazy.” “How so?” said Newt. “What a crazy time to tell me you love me,” she said. “You never talked that way before.” She stopped walking. “Let’s keep walking,” he said. “No,” she said. “So far, no farther. I shouldn’t have come out with you at all,” she said. “You did,” he said. “To get you out of the house,” she said. “If somebody walked in and heard you talking to me that way, a week before the wedding—” “What would they think?” he said. “They’d think you were crazy,” she said. “Why?” he said. Catharine took a deep breath, made a speech. “Let me say that I’m deeply honored by this crazy thing you’ve done,” she said. “I can’t believe you’re really A.W.O.L., but maybe you are. I can’t believe you really love me, but maybe you do. But—” “I do,” said Newt. “Well, I’m deeply honored,” said Catharine, “and I’m very fond of you as a friend, Newt, extremely fond—but it’s just too late.” She took a step away from him. “You’ve never even kissed me,” she said, and she protected herself with her hands. “I don’t mean you should do it now. I just mean this is all so unexpected. I haven’t got the remotest idea of how to respond.” “Just walk some more,” he said. “Have a nice time.” They started walking again. “How did you expect me to react?” she said. “How would I know what to expect?” he said. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” “Did you think I would throw myself into your arms?” she said. “Maybe,” he said. “I’m sorry to disappoint you,” she said. “I’m not disappointed,” he said. “I wasn’t counting on it. This is very nice, just walking.”
Catharine stopped again. “You know what happens next?” she said. “Nope,” he said. “We shake hands,” she said. “We shake hands and part friends,” she said. “That’s what happens next.” Newt nodded. “All right,” he said. “Remember me from time to time. Remember how much I loved you.” Involuntarily, Catharine burst into tears. She turned her back to Newt, looked into the infinite colonnade of the woods. “What does that mean?” said Newt. “Rage!” said Catharine. She clenched her hands. “You have no right—” “I had to find out,” he said. “If I’d loved you,” she said, “I would have let you know before now.” “You would?” he said. “Yes,” she said. She faced him, looked up at him, her face quite red. “You would have known,” she said. “How?” he said. “You would have seen it,” she said. “Women aren’t very clever at hiding it.” Newt looked closely at Catharine’s face now. To her consternation, she realized that what she had said was true, that a woman couldn’t hide love. Newt was seeing love now. And he did what he had to do. He kissed her.
“You’re hell to get along with!” she said when Newt let her go. “I am?” said Newt. “You shouldn’t have done that,” she said. “You didn’t like it?” he said. “What did you expect,” she said—“wild, abandoned passion?” “I keep telling you,” he said, “I never know what’s going to happen next.” “We say good-bye,” she said. He frowned slightly. “All right,” he said. She made another speech. “I’m not sorry we kissed,” she said. “That was sweet. We should have kissed, we’ve been so close. I’ll always remember you, Newt, and good luck.” “You too,” he said. “Thank you, Newt,” she said. “Thirty days,” he said. “What?” she said. “Thirty days in the stockade,” he said—“that’s what one kiss will cost me.” “I—I’m sorry,” she said, “but I didn’t ask you to go A.W.O.L.” “I know,” he said. “You certainly don’t deserve any hero’s reward for doing something as foolish as that,” she said. “Must be nice to be a hero,” said Newt. “Is Henry Stewart Chasens a hero?” “He might be, if he got the chance,” said Catharine. She noted uneasily that they had begun to walk again. The farewell had been forgotten. “You really love him?” he said. “Certainly I love him!” she said hotly. “I wouldn’t marry him if I didn’t love him!” “What’s good about him?” said Newt. “Honestly!” she cried, stopping again. “Do you have an idea how offensive you’re being? Many, many, many things are good about Henry! Yes,” she said, “and many, many, many things are probably bad too. But that isn’t any of your business. I love Henry, and I don’t have to argue his merits with you!” “Sorry,” said Newt. “Honestly!” said Catharine. Newt kissed her again. He kissed her again because she wanted him to.
They were now in a large orchard. “How did we get so far from home, Newt?” said Catharine. “One foot in front of the other—through leaves, over bridges,” said Newt. “They add up—the steps,” she said. Bells rang in the tower of the school for the blind nearby. “School for the blind,” said Newt. “School for the blind,” said Catharine. She shook her head in drowsy wonder. “I’ve got to go back now,” she said. “Say good-bye,” said Newt. “Every time I do,” said Catharine, “I seem to get kissed.” Newt sat down on the close-cropped grass under an apple tree. “Sit down,” he said. “No,” she said. “I won’t touch you,” he said. “I don’t believe you,” she said. She sat down under another tree, 20 feet away from him. She closed her eyes. “Dream of Henry Stewart Chasens,” he said. “What?” she said. “Dream of your wonderful husband-to-be,” he said. “All right, I will,” she said. She closed her eyes tighter, caught glimpses of her husband-to-be. Newt yawned. The bees were humming in the trees, and Catharine almost fell asleep. When she opened her eyes she saw that Newt really was asleep.
He began to snore softly. Catharine let Newt sleep for an hour, and while he slept she adored him with all her heart. The shadows of the apple tree grew to the east. The bells in the tower of the school for the blind rang again. “Chick-a-dee-dee-dee,” went a chickadee. Somewhere far away an automobile starter nagged and failed, nagged and failed, fell still. Catharine came out from under her tree, knelt by Newt. “Newt?” she said. “H’m?” he said. He opened his eyes. “Late,” she said. “Hello, Catharine,” he said. “Hello, Newt,” she said. “I love you,” he said. “I know,” she said. “Too late,” he said. “Too late,” she said. He stood, stretched groaningly. “A very nice walk,” he said. “I thought so,” she said. “Part company here?” he said. “Where will you go?” she said. “Hitch into town, turn myself in,” he said. “Good luck,” she said. “You, too,” he said. “Marry me, Catharine?” “No,” she said. He smiled, stared at her hard for a moment, then walked away quickly. Catharine watched him grow smaller in the long perspective of shadows and trees, knew that if he stopped and turned now, if he called to her, she would run to him. She would have no choice. Newt did stop. He did turn. He did call. “Catharine,” he called. She ran to him, put her arms around him, could not speak.